Category: Uncategorized

Now Accepting Applications 2023–2024

The 6th Co-hort will begin in September 2023 and run until January 2025. Several modifications to the program were made during the 5th Co-hort (2021–2022). The program received and admitted almost double the number of participants than the previous co-horts. Efforts were made to reduce the travelling required, as part of COVID travel issues, but […]

Now Accepting Applications for Cohort 5 – 2021–2023

Program will begin in September 2021 and run until January 2023 Consideration of feedback from previous participants and the new virtual skills we have all developed over the last year, the PLLeaders Advisory Team have re-designed the program to significantly reduce the travel required by participants. This will reduce some of the time commitment and […]

2018–2020 Now Accepting Applications

Application Period: March 1 – September 10, 2018 The fourth cohort will start October 2, 2018 in Calgary. Ideal Candidate Profile Nomination of employer (formal requirement) CEO or executive-level aspirations Management experience Personal confidence Self-awareness Ability to identify personal learning and mentoring needs Ability to research and write on library issues Commitment to confidentiality and […]